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Simple Patterns of Complex Urban Dynamics, Oct 16

Alexei received a Ph.D. in computer science from EPFL, Switzerland, following his research in machine learning methods and computer vision that he carried out at IDIAP Research Institute in Martigny, Switzerland. He then worked at the Institute of Geomatics and Analysis of Risk (IGAR), University of Lausanne.

His group is developing i2maps: a modular software framework for knowledge extraction from spatio-temporal data streams, and working towards the CityScale project to demonstrate this research.


This semester marks the start of a new format for CITRIS seminars. The i4Energy seminar series will be included in the Research Exchange seminar series and held only on Wednesdays (seminars will no longer take place separately on Fridays). This format gives us chance to focus on each of our initiatives in turn, bringing challenging speakers to discuss their research and join in an ongoing discussion at CITRIS.


The seminars are held in in the Banatao Auditorium of Sutardja Dai Hall on the UC Berkeley campus, and box lunches are provided *with registration*.

Registration for each event (by the Monday prior at 3pm) is required for lunch at UC Berkeley at

Live broadcast at

. Ask questions live on Twitter: #CITRISRE. All talks may be viewed post-event on our YouTube channel


Webviewing at UC Davis: 1003 Kemper Hall

Webviewing at UC Merced: SE1 138

Webviewing at UC Santa Cruz: SOE E2 Building, Room 595B