CSE is a rapidly growing multidisciplinary field that encompasses real-world complex applications (scientific, engineering, social, economic, policy), computational mathematics, and computer science and engineering. High performance computing (HPC), large-scale simulations, and scientific applications all play a central role in CSE. i4Science will focus mainly on smaller subset of CSE applications that within 3–5 years would be scalable from 1000s to millions of processors and from tera to exa-scale computing using emerging computing technologies—HPC and Cloud.
2:00- 2:30 p.m.
“Computational Histopathology for the Cancer Genome Atlas ”
Computational Imaging and Bioinformatics
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
2:30-3:00 p.m.
“Data-Driven Modeling and Prediction of Startup Company Exits ”
, Assistant Professor, Applied Mathematics
University of California, Merced