CITRIS Seed Funding Workshop
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
2:00pm-4:00pm (PST)
CITRIS Simularium
UCSC, Engineering 2, Simularium (E2-180)
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
The Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society invites all CITRIS Principal Investigators and UCSC Faculty to join us for a CITRIS Seed Funding Workshop and Networking Reception on Tuesday, January 5th, 2016, from2:00pm to 4:00pm. Come learn about available CITRIS Seed Grants, the proposal and award process, the benefits of becoming a CITRIS PI, and more! Proposals are accepted for projects which would further the CITRIS Research Initiatives of Connected Communities, Health, People and Robots, and Sustainable Infrastructures.
This event will be held in the CITRIS Simularium (Engineering 2, Room 180) at UC Santa Cruz. Please RSVP; refreshments will ne provided at the Networking Reception.
We hope to see you January 5th!