Inclusive Workforce Strategies: Enhancing the Future of Public Sector Work
Panelists include Elana Zeide (PULSE Fellow in Artificial Intelligence, Law & Policy, UCLA), Saurabh Sanghvi (Associate Partner, McKinsey & Company), and Scott Mauvais (Director of AI & Global Partnerships, Microsoft Philanthropies). Moderated by Brandie Nonnecke, CITRIS Policy Lab Director.
While a strong body of research has emerged on the ways emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence (AI), will disrupt private sector work, less attention has been given to understanding these effects on public sector work and workers. Yet these technologies are increasingly being deployed in the public sector to address growing workload demands, shortage of workers, and budget constraints.
In collaboration with Microsoft, the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) and the Banatao Institute will host a CITRIS Research Exchange panel to explore the effects of emerging technologies, like machine learning-powered decision systems and robotic process automation, within three public service sectors: education, social services, and law enforcement. Panelists will explore priority strategies to better ensure implementation of emerging technologies not only contribute to greater efficiency and effectiveness, but also equity. The CITRIS Policy Lab will also release its white paper on the effects of emerging technologies on public sector work and priority technology and policy recommendations.
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