About the speaker:
Dr. Valdes is coming on board at UC Davis Health to fill a role as the Principal Architect for Digital Health and as the Medical Director for Outpatient Telehealth Services. Dr. Valdes is an internal medicine physician trained in treating chronic wounds and tissue repair and will staff the new outpatient chronic wound clinic. Dr. Valdes enjoys watching trends in the tech industry and is constantly looking for ways to bring successful solutions into the delivery of healthcare services. His focus is on the workflow of healthcare service delivery with attention to the patient’s viewpoint of that experience. Dr. Valdes has been asked to be the medical director for the UC-Davis Digital Health Resource Center which is intended to be a catalogue of services to help ideas from both internal and external groups down their path of development. The Digital Health Resource Center will support sandbox IT environments that allow demonstration and testing of pre-production applications and concepts, provide educational programs to prepare startups and companies to better collaborate within the highly regulated healthcare enterprise level facilities, and work in tandem with other support services in the Center for Health Technology at UC Davis which include clinical virtual simulation labs, telehealth operations, and research support staff.
About the Series:
Launched in 2008, the CITRIS Research Exchange delivers fresh perspectives on information technology and society from distinguished academic, industry, and civic leaders. Join us this fall to celebrate 10 years of innovative ideas and dialogue.
Learn more about CITRIS and the Banatao Institute at the University of California.
The CITRIS Research Exchange is free and open to the public. Each one-hour seminar starts at 12pm Pacific time and is hosted live at Sutardja Dai Hall on the UC Berkeley campus, unless otherwise noted. Register online by Monday prior for a complimentary lunch inside the auditorium.
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