A Deeper Look at Deep Decarbonization Pathways for the U.S. Economy with Karl Hausker
Wed, October 11, 2017
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PT
Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley
About the speaker:
Dr. Karl Hausker is a Senior Fellow in World Resource Institute’s Global Climate Program. He leads analysis and modeling of domestic climate mitigation scenarios, and he contributes to work on the New Climate Economy, the social cost of carbon, and energy access. He has worked for 28 years in the fields of climate change, energy, and environment in a career that has spanned legislative and executive branches, research institutions, NGOs, and consulting. He has led climate policy analysis and modeling projects for USAID, USEPA, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, the Western Climate Initiative, and the California Air Resources Board. Much of his work has focused on the energy and transportation sectors, and on low carbon, climate resilient development strategies. He received his MPP and PhD from Berkeley’s Goldman School of Public Policy.
Talk Abstract:
Dr. Hausker will present the results of two recent studies that analyze pathways the US could follow in the transition to a low-carbon economy. The reports, From Risk to Return: Investing in a Clean Energy Economy (sponsored by Risky Business) and the United States Mid-Century Strategy for Deep Decarbonization (the US official submission to the UNFCCC, Nov. 2017) present a range of pathways that can achieve deep reductions in CO2 emissions between now and 2050. These pathways involve mixtures of: electrification of the economy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, nuclear power, and carbon capture and storage. Dr. Hausker will place these recent studies in the context of the findings of other relevant studies and explore how assumptions regarding the availability, performance, and integration of various technologies drive the energy, environmental and economic implications of the modeled pathways. Implications for energy policy and R&D portfolios will be explored.
Free and open to the public. Register online by Monday for a free lunch at UC Berkeley. The CITRIS Research Exchange Seminar Series is a weekly dialogue highlighting leading voices on societal-scale research issues. Each one-hour seminar starts at 12:00 pm Pacific time and is hosted live at Sutardja Dai Hall on the UC Berkeley campus.
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