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Fetal Monitoring During Childbirth with Dr. Neil Ray

Teal-colored Fall 2017 Research Exchange banner.

Fetal Monitoring During Childbirth

Wed, September 27, 2017
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PT
Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley

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Talk Abstract

To understand why a world-wide C-section epidemic has developed and the consequential long-term health implications to mother and child. How existing fetal monitors have contributed to the C-section epidemic and how the technology being developed by Raydiant Oximetry could help reduce the unsustainable C-section rates that currently exist.

Raydiant Oximetry

About the speaker:

Dr. Neil Ray is a Harvard-trained, Board Certified Pediatric Anesthesiologist and affiliated with UC Davis School of Medicine. In addition, he is the founder of Raydiant Oximetry, a medical device start up company that is focused on improving outcomes for mothers and babies during childbirth by developing a better fetal monitor. Dr. Ray is the receipt of a UC CITRIS grant and an SBIR grant from the NIH to develop a non-invasive fetal oximeter for use during labor & delivery. Dr. Ray is also the PI for a CITRIS sponsored clinical trial to test the feasibility of this novel technology on pregnant women.

Free and open to the public. Register online by Monday for a free lunch at UC Berkeley. The CITRIS Research Exchange Seminar Series is a weekly dialogue highlighting leading voices on societal-scale research issues. Each one-hour seminar starts at 12:00 pm Pacific time and is hosted live at Sutardja Dai Hall on the UC Berkeley campus.

Watch a live broadcast on the CITRIS YouTube channel.

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