What: CITRIS Foundry Incubator Info Session
When: Tuesday, December 10 | 5-6 pm
Where: Room 450, Sutardja Dai Hall
The CITRIS Foundry Incubator empowers top entrepreneurial researchers, scientists, and engineers from the University of California to build transformative companies that will have a significant impact on the world. This on-campus program is headquartered at UC Berkeley and leverages the resources and expertise inherent in both our local innovation ecosystem and our global collaborations to support new ventures, social enterprises, and tech transfer pathways that can influence and impact entire industries. Applications for the Spring 2020 cohort are due on January 1. Info Sessions will be held on December 9 and 10 from 5-6pm. Learn more about what the CITRIS Foundry Incubator provides, how your team will grow, and how to prepare for the application! Please reach out to Kira Gardner, Incubator Manager at kgardner@berkeley.edu, with further questions.
Application Link: https://bit.ly/2KqpXH7
Application Guide: https://bit.ly/32N1t1b
Incubator Information: https://citrisfoundry.org/incubator/