Global human development faces a fundamental challenge:
many countries seem permanently caught in a poverty trap,
while others build their economies on a path of certain
ecological unsustainability. This dichotomy poses a critical
challenge: can developing countries climb out of poverty
while preserving their ecological health?
We are excited to announce the creation of the Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory Institute for Globally
Transformative Technologies (LIGTT, pronounced “Light”).
The Institute has an ambitious mandate to foster the
discovery, development and deployment of a new generation
of technologies that advance breakthrough, relevant and
sustainable methods of fighting global poverty and related
social ills. Another important mission is to foster a new
generation of research[ers] powered with LBNL’s scientific
skills and cultural intelligence to focus on technologies for
the global poor.
In this presentation we will share the vision, framework and
goals of LIGTT. We invite you to come interact with us about
your previous experiences along with potential ideas for
future projects in this arena