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Cal Day Seminar and Panel: “Water Sensors, Water Networks” with Prof. Evan Variano & CEE Panel

This event is open to the public as part of Cal Day 2016.

Date: 4/16/16
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
Location: 310 Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley.

Water Sensors, Water Networks with Prof. Evan Variano

Prof. Evan VarianoProfessor Variano explains how engineers are building new methods for tracking the world’s water. Three sessions starting at 10:00, 10:20, and 10:40. Learn about 3D videography for water velocity, miniature floats that track river motion, and smart prediction of reservoir storage – all of which are happening at CITRIS.



11:00am-12:00pm Civil and Environmental Engineering Department panel – hear about the department’s activities.



Featured Photo Credit: Elena Zhukova