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Cal Day 2018 at CITRIS

This Cal Day, on April 21, 2018, CITRIS and the Banatao Institute welcome visitors to Sutardja Dai Hall to explore a wide range of interactive exhibits at the CITRIS Tech Museum and CITRIS Invention Lab. The exhibits use a variety of multimedia to present innovations in tech for social good. See cutting-edge equipment displayed in our makerspace, hug and high-five BRETT the robot, or watch a time-lapse film about the construction of Sutardja Dai Hall. The presentations are family-friendly and include special activities designed especially for children.


Explore the CITRIS Tech Museum

10am-2pm, CITRIS Tech Museum, 3rd floor, Sutardja Dai Hall

Walk through the 3rd floor atrium to the CITRIS Tech Museum to find hands-on exhibits and videos of tech devices from 3D-printed prosthetics and floating sensors to insect-inspired origami robotic toys and the best-selling cat headphones prototyped in the CITRIS Invention Lab.

Get your Science at Cal Passport stamped here!

Global Lives Project: Video Installation on Diversity of Human Experience

10am-2pm, CITRIS Tech Museum, 3rd floor, Sutardja Dai Hall

12pm: Founder David Evan Harris in person

On display in the CITRIS Tech Museum, UC Berkeley faculty & alumnus David Evan Harris presents Global Lives, a video installation that illustrates the diversity of human experience through real-time 24-hour videos of individuals’ experiences across 17+ countries. At noon, Professor Harris will be on hand to spark discussion and reflection about the range of cultures, ethnicities, languages, and religions in the modern world.

CITRIS Invention Lab: Makerspace Tours and Demos

10am-2pm, 1st floor, 141 Sutardja Dai Hall

Visit the CITRIS Invention Lab, the first makerspace on campus supporting community innovation since 2012! Lab tours, project displays, and demos of laser cutting, 3D printing, and specialized equipment will be offered, plus a hands-on activity for kids of all ages. Located on the 1st floor of Sutardja Dai Hall. 

Robot Learning Lab: A Robot that High-Fives and Hugs!

10am-1pm, Kvamme Atrium, 3rd floor, 300 Sutardja Dai Hall

The Robot Learning Lab, directed by Prof. Pieter Abbeel, conducts research on artificial intelligence techniques to make robots perform challenging tasks. BRETT (Berkeley Robot for the Elimination of Tedious Tasks), the first general-purpose robot to tie knots and fold laundry, will be handing out high fives and hugs!

CITRIS High-Definition Time-Lapse Project

10am-1pm, Kvamme Atrium, 3rd floor, 300 Sutardja Dai Hall

A time-lapse film captures the multi-year construction of Sutardja Dai Hall, the headquarters for CITRIS and the Banatao Institute.