In 2016, over half the world’s population live in cities. Each year these cities account for nearly 70% of greenhouse gas emissions, waste 250 to 500 million cubic meters of drinking water, and use 75% of the world’s primary energy.
This morning, Brandie Nonnecke and Camille Crittenden discussed the opportunities and challenges of IoT for sustainability within the sectors of energy, water, and transportation. They offer recommendations for best practices in data access, stewardship and ownership, and include considerations for security, privacy, and interoperability of IoT. Their findings and recommendations will inform public decision-makers, policy officials, technology developers, and consumers seeking to use IoT technologies not only for increasing infrastructure performance and efficiency but also for improving environmental sustainability and quality of life. This work was supported by CITRIS and the Banatao Institute and Microsoft.
CITRIS and the Banatao Institute create information technology solutions for society’s most pressing challenges. We leverage the research strengths of the University of California campuses at Berkeley, Davis, Merced, and Santa Cruz to create transformative research-based solutions and translate them into practice.
You can also follow Twitter forum hashtag #worldsmartcity2016.
Brandie Nonnecke, @BNonnecke
Brandie Nonnecke is the Research & Development Manager for CITRIS, UC Berkeley and Program Director for CITRIS, UC Davis. Brandie’s research is positioned at the intersection of information and communication technology for development (ICT4D) and telecommunications/information policy research. She examines the dynamic interconnections between law, policy, and emerging technologies to identify legal and regulatory issues affecting technological and societal advancements. Her current research focuses on how ICTs can support civic participation, improve governance and accountability, and foster economic and social development. At CITRIS, she designs and deploys civic engagement platforms that utilize statistical models and collaborative filtering to tap collective intelligence and reveal novel ideas. These platforms have been used to crowdsource priority policy issues across California ( and Mexico ( and in rural Uganda to enable collaborative evaluation of development programs ( More info on her research is at
Camille Crittenden, @CamCritt
Camille Crittenden serves as Deputy Director of CITRIS, Director of the CITRIS Connected Communities Initiative, and Executive Director of the CITRIS Social Apps Lab. Prior to coming to CITRIS in 2012, she was Executive Director of the Human Rights Center at Berkeley Law, where she helped to develop its program in human rights, technology, and new media. She has written and spoken widely on these topics, as well as technology applications for civic engagement, government transparency and accountability, and the digital divide.