Yahoo! recently announced that it has expanded its partnerships with top U.S. universities to advance cloud computing research. The University of California at Berkeley, Cornell University and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst will join Carnegie Mellon University in using Yahoo!’s cloud computing cluster to conduct large-scale systems software research and explore new applications that analyze Internet-scale data sets, ranging from voting records to online news sources.
At Berkeley, the Computational Science and Engineering program anticipates that the Yahoo! cluster will be used by a broad array of faculty investigators and graduate students from social scientists and economists to astrophysicist and Bioengineers. Obviously, an exciting aspect of this work will be working with Yahoo! to analyze large scale social-economical-political data by our faculty and to further refine these target areas, and to identify new ones among the vast array of potential computational research avenues at UC Berkeley and LBNL. The breadth of this enterprise promises to create extensive new applications of interest to Yahoo! for high performance and cloud computing.
More about press release:
Yahoo! Partners with Four Top Universities to Advance Cloud Computing Systems and Applications Research :
Yahoo! Cloud Computing:
Computational Science and Engineering Program:
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Masoud Nikravesh
CITRIS & LBNL Executive Director,
Computational Science and Engineering
Office: (510) 643-4522
Sutardja Dai Hall #1764
Berkeley, CA 94720-1764
We are accepting both graduate and senior undergraduate students. To apply for Yahoo! Cloud account please contact Dr. Nikravesh at:
About CSE Program
UC Berkeley has created a new graduate program in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE). The new graduate program was developed and is supported by the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS), the Computing Sciences Directorate at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), and the College of Engineering, the College of Letters and Science, the College of Chemistry, and the office of the Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of California (UC) Berkeley.