CITRIS Seed Funding program for CITRIS PI’s
Deadline: Sunday, January 26, 2014, Midnight (PST)
The 2014 CITRIS Seed Funding Opportunity invites CITRIS Principal Investigators at CITRIS campuses (Berkeley, Davis, Davis Medical Center, Merced and Santa Cruz) to apply for a one-year Seed Grant that will support CITRIS research initiatives, enhance cooperation among campuses, and facilitate early-stage research that can lead to external funding.
Total funds available: $500,000
Project Awards: $10,000 to $60,000
1. Project must be a collaboration among CITRIS PIs on more than one CITRIS campus
2. Project must be relevant to one of the four CITRIS Initiatives: Health Care, Energy, Intelligent Infrastructure, Data & Democracy
Applications will be reviewed by a faculty committee from the four CITRIS campuses, and the funded proposals will be announced in March 2014.
More information, including the seed funding application and the application to become a CITRIS PI, is online at