Bioengineering Advances for Economically Disadvantaged Societies
Lecture: CITRIS Distinguished Speaker | November 22 | 4-5 p.m. | B100 Blum Hall
Boris Rubinsky, Professor of the Graduate School, UC Berkeley
CITRIS (Ctr for Info Technology Research in the Interest of Society)
Live broadcast at mms://; Questions can be sent via Yahoo IM to username: citrisevents.
This talk will present scientific breakthroughs such as the use of cellular phone for medical imaging in small clinics and rural areas, detecting internal bleeding remotely in rural areas through multi-frequency spectroscopy, a simple electrolytic means for low power electricity, using classifiers to augment lack of expert medical care in rural areas, treatment of cancer in rural clinics and others.
During the last decade and a half, my research group has pursued an approach to science and research in which contributions to the economically disadvantaged is given value and attention. This approach and the focus on finding advanced technological solutions, has helped us develop a methodology for research that will be discussed in this presentation, as well scientific breakthroughs in bioengineering and biotechnology., 510-6434866
Coming Soon. Event will be webcast live and then put on youtube: