CITRIS is proud the be the co-sponsor of an upcoming smart cities workshop happening on November 5 – 6, 2012 in Sutardja Dai Hall, 310, Banatao Auditorium on the UC Berkeley campus.
2012 CaFFEET California France Forum on Energy Efficiency Technologies – Event Description:
Smart City approaches rely on the integration of modeling/simulation techniques and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) into city planning and practices, such as city growth projections, city operations (municipal water/electric supply, waste management, etc.), city processes (such as payroll), city services (to citizens, to businesses, to suppliers, etc.), etc. Smart City approaches are intended to help cities achieve sustainability, but they also raise new issues.
This two-day event will feature panel discussions and keynote talks from policymakers, government officials, and academic researchers on the challenges and opportunities that the Smart City of the future will face.
For a complete agenda and background information, please visit
Distinguished speakers at this two-day event include:
- Francois Delattre, Ambassador of France in the U.S.
- Bernard Salha, Senior Executive VP and President of R&D, EDF Group
- Melanie Nutter, Director of Environment, San Francisco
- Jean-Louis Missika, Deputy Mayor in Charge of Innovation, Research and Universities, Paris
The aim of this conference, which brings together policymakers, industrialists, and academics from the US and Europe, is to tackle this question by discussing “How Smart City approaches can be used to increase city attractiveness and city resilience?”.
Collecting, analyzing, and disseminating data lies at the heart of the smart city concept; raising for many fears that their privacy will be threatened or services unreliable because of cyber-terrorism or cyber-crime; the conference will therefore also address the question: “*What is the cybersecurity risk of Smart City approaches?” *and hopefully start to identify solutions.
More information can be found at
$195. Register online.