Cal Day talk by Greg Niemeyer

  • April 17, 2010: 1:00pm – 2:00pm
  • Location: Banatao Auditorium, 3rd floor, Sutardja Dai Hall

As part of the UC Berkeley Cal Day activities, Professor Greg Niemeyer will present a talk :

“Community Science: Approaching the Climate Change Issue One Hearth at a Time”

Greg Niemeyer is an artist and a programmer; he writes code for the games he designs, stepping back and forth, between those very different roles.  Those games are always beautiful, and they always do more than entertain players. A recent project, Blackcloud, entailed giving sensors to people in various parts of the world and allowing them to monitor their own environments. This talk will focus on how technology, made meaningful,  can reveal the link between personal action and major social challenges.

For the full listings for Cal Day, please visit