The eight finalists for the 2014 Big Ideas Competition in IT for Society will present at an April 21 poster session at CITRIS from 3-5pm. The winners will be announced in early May as part of the Rudd Family Foundation Big Ideas@Berkeley project. Congratulations to all of the finalists for making it this far in the competition.
- Aeolus: Detecting Narcotics-Induced Respiratory Depression
Our goal is to reduce death from narcotics-induced respiratory depression in hospitals. By using an audio-visual system that integrates range finding hardware with surveillance software, we seek to empower medical staff intervention. Vinayak Viswanadham. Brian Dick, Yumi Suh, Adrian Tabula, UC Berkeley. - DailyVote
DailyVote gives citizens a voice in the workings of politics by leveraging the millions of people who read the news every day, and giving them simple tools to express the opinions they have about the politicians they read about. Galen Panger, Raymon Sutedjo-The, Jeff Tsui, UC Berkeley - Dropsense
Dropsense is developing a convenient, affordable hypoglycemia alert system to help diabetics better monitor their glucose levels. Jeremy Fiance, Steve Yadlowsky, Vikram Iyer, UC Berkeley - Extinguish
Extinguish is a web application for fire officials that provides accurate, high-resolution, predictions of most likely points of wildfire ignition in real-time. Xavier Malina, Peter Swigert, Colin, Macarthur, UC Berkeley
- Glucose ENOSE
We aim to create a smartphone-based chemical sensor for diabetic patients that can provide cheap, continuous, non-invasive and real-time blood glucose diagnostics. Patrick Lyon, Benson Fan, Yayun Chen, Ray Chiu, UC Berkeley - Remote Cleft Therapy for Young Children through a Mobile Game
The biggest problem in speech therapy with children is what happens outside the office. Using mobile devices and speech recognition, a game can be developed that makes therapy fun, provides crucial feedback, and enables remote therapy. Zak Rubin, UC Santa Cruz. - Sahay
Sahay is an ICT that connects workers in India with employment opportunities in the informal household sector as maids, cooks, drivers, and more, thereby alleviating poverty among rural and migrant workers. Priya Iyer, Seema Puthyapurayil, Eric Zan, Timothy Meyers, Ajeeta Dhole, UC Berkeley - Sign UP
Sign UP aims at breaking the barrier of communication between deaf and 99% of the world around them. The S-Glove by Sign UP is a smart glove that will leverage deaf people’s natural way of communication by providing Sign Language translation. Thibault Duchemin, Achal Pandey, Pieter Doevendans, Justin Harnoss, UC Berkeley