April ’05 Newsletter

Dear Members and Friends of CITRIS,

Two very different CITRIS projects and a major research review highlight this month’s newsletter. The first article, written from an interview with Professor Diane Harley at UC Berkeley’s Center for Studies in Higher Education (CSHE), describes a project aimed at providing a scan of which digital resources are used by undergraduate instructors in humanities and social sciences, how they are being used, and why (or why not). I think you will find the results fascinating.

The second interview is with Scott Shackleton, the assistant dean for capital projects in Berkeley’s College of Engineering, now newly
appointed to head up the construction phase of the new CITRIS Headquarters Building. As the excavation for the building nears
completion and some of the foundation walls are being poured, Scott shares a vision of how the construction will play out and describes some of the features of this important new CITRIS-wide campus resource. View live and archival images of the construction at www.citris-uc.org.

Finally, April 18th is the date for CITRIS’s semi-annual Corporate Sponsor Day. This event is held especially for members of CITRIS’s industrial partner companies and always delivers exciting reports on new research results. The meeting on the 18th will be hosted by UC Santa Cruz and will use facilities at NASA Ames Research Centers in Mountain View, California. Members of CITRIS’s corporate sponsor companies, CITRIS faculty researchers, as well as CITRIS-affiliated graduate student researchers are urged to register.

We hope you enjoy this CITRIS Newsletter. As always we welcome your feedback and are grateful for your interest and support.

Professor Ruzena Bajcsy
Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society

February 2005

March 2005

April 2005