UC Berkeley has announced a partnership with NASA’s Ames Research Center and developer SKS Partners to create the Berkeley Space Center, a research and education hub where researchers, companies and students will team up to pursue innovations in aviation and space exploration.
CITRIS researcher and UC Berkeley professor Alexandre Bayen, the associate provost for Moffett Field program development, said, “We’re hoping to create an ecosystem where Berkeley talent can collaborate with the private sector and co-locate their research and development teams.
“And since we will be close to NASA talent and technology in the heart of Silicon Valley, we hope to leverage that to form future partnerships.”
Housed on 36 acres of land at NASA Ames’s Moffett Field in Mountain View, California, the Berkeley Space Center will feature 1.4 million square feet of research space for state-of-the-art research and development laboratories and classrooms for UC Berkeley students. The innovation center presents a unique opportunity for students to contribute to cutting edge developments in the space industry, such as automated aviation and machine learning, and become immersed in the innovation-rich environment of Silicon Valley.