The SSRC is composed of faculty (CITRIS investigators) from the Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Electrical Engineering departments of the Baskin School of Engineering, plus affiliates from industry and other universities. The SSRC Director is Professor Darrell Long. SSRC conducts research focused on many aspects of file and storage systems. Projects include: archival storage, scalable distributed indexing, large-scale distributed storage systems, file systems for next-generation storage devices, and data de-duplication. SSRC researchers have a particular focus in cross-cutting issues such as security and reliability in file and storage systems. Companies supporting SSRC include: HP, IBM, Hitachi, NetApp, Data Domain, LSI, Seagate, and Symantec. UCSC CITRIS provides office and laboratory space to, and shares conference and meeting facilities with, SSRC. SSRC utilizes the CITRIS computer room for its machine clusters. UCSC CITRIS staff provides event support for the annual SSRC Research Retreat where faculty, students, and associate researchers discuss storage research with SSRC members and colleagues from industry.
Storage Systems Research Center (SSRC)