Two key applications of technology — robotic surgery and informatics — are the focus of a CITRIS Health collaboration with the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University (FAH-SYSU).
The health of individual patients, of communities and of countries requires both innovative discovery and effective training to make these discoveries available to all. CITRIS and the Banatao Institute are committed to developing opportunities to extend and strengthen health care through state-of-the-art technologies across a wide range of specific disciplines.
In 2019 CITRIS received support from the Lingnan Foundation to develop training programs in surgical robotics and health informatics that bring together leading researchers and clinicians in the United States and China to advance global health care outcomes through the application of innovative technological tools. Advanced training by CITRIS and FAH-SYSU) teams is not only benefiting the respective health systems, but is also advancing health care delivery for patients and providers throughout China, the U.S. and the world.