Tarek Zohdi

Tarek I. Zohdi is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Chair of the Designated Emphasis Program in  Computational and Data Science and Engineering at UC Berkeley (2012-present) and Associate Dean for Post Baccalaureate Programs in the College of Engineering. Previously, he has served as Chair of the Engineering Science Program (2008-2012). He is currently a Chancellor’s Professor and holder of the W. C. Hall Family Endowed Chair in Engineering. He also holds a Staff Scientist position at Lawrence Berkeley National Labs and an Adjunct Scientist position at the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute. His main research interests are in industrial simulation and advanced manufacturing processes. He has published over 180 archival refereed journal papers and eight books.  He is an editor of Computational Mechanics and co-founder and editor-in-chief of Computational Particle Mechanics.

In the past, he has organized or co-organized over 30 international conferences and workshops and has been appointed/invited to the Scientific Advisory Boards of over 40 international conferences. He was elected President of the United States Association for Computational Mechanics in 2012 and served from 2012 to 2014. Overall, he has given more than 200 plenary, keynote, and contributed lectures at conferences, universities, and other research institutions. In 2017, he received the UC Berkeley Distinguished Teaching Award; the highest award for teaching at UC Berkeley. In 2019 he was elected as Fellow of the American Academy of Mechanics (AAM)-only one new Fellow is inducted in the nation and the Americas into the AAM each year: https://aamech.org. In 2020, he received the prestigious Humboldt-Forschungspreis (Humboldt Research Prize).