Professor Tracy Larrabee

Dr. Larrabee is the Associate Vice Provost for UCSC Silicon Valley Initiatives. Dr. Larrabee will be the academic point of contact for UCSC’s Silicon Valley Initiatives and will oversee the University Affiliated Research Center and the Advanced Studies Laboratory, including the Bio-Info-Nano Research and Development Institute. On the UCSC campus, she will concentrate on serving the needs of the arts, engineering, and physical and biological sciences divisions.

After receiving her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University, Dr. Larrabee joined the UCSC faculty in 1990. Dr. Larrabee’s research in CMOS IC test and diagnosis has produced several award-winning papers and is widely cited. In 1995 Dr. Larrabee received the Presidential Young Investigator award from the National Science Foundation. Before academia, Professor Larrabee worked in several industrial research facilities, including extensive work on government contracts.