Anh-Vu Pham

Professor Pham is conducting research in RF IC design, RF, Micro-, Millimeter wave electronic packaging, phased array antennas, and wireless sensors. In the area of RF IC design, his group is developing understanding and circuit techniques for RF CMOS, wide bandwidth circuits, and linearization methods for power amplifiers. Recent developments include linearized amplifiers and RF building blocks for gigabit wireless and phased array antennas up to 60 GHz. In the area of electronic packaging, his group aims to develop high-performance microwave and millimeter-wave packages and modules in an organic platform to reduce size, weight and cost with increasing functionality. Recently, his group has investigated liquid crystal polymer for the development of a hermetic organic packaging platform to achieve high reliability for both MMICs and RF MEMS. His group is also developing integrated passive components (baluns, hybrid, Wilkinson dividers, etc) in multi-layered organic substrates. Recent developments include front-end modules for gigabit wireless and phased array antennas in the organic platform from X-band (10 GHz) to V-band (60 GHz). In the wireless sensor, his group is developing passive (zero power consumption) and disposable sensor nodes that can be used in a wireless sensing system. The wireless sensing platform can be used for bio, chemical, and mechanical-sensor applications.