Amit Kanvinde

Amit Kanvinde’s research interests focus on the seismic response of steel structures, with an emphasis on fracture and fatigue.

His research combines large and small-scale experiments with model-based simulation to develop a more fundamental understanding of the response of structural systems. Some of Professor Kanvinde’s recent research projects have addressed (1) The development of continuum models for fracture and fatigue in steel structures (2) The seismic performance of column base connections (3) The inelastic buckling and fracture of cyclically loaded steel braces and (4) The seismic performance of steel column splices (5) The strength and ductility of transversely loaded fillet weld connections.
Prof. Kanvinde is the recipient of the 2008 Norman Medal presented by the American Society of Civil Engineers. In 2003 he was awarded the best Graduate Student Paper Award by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. He currently serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Structural Engineering. Prior to joining UC Davis, Prof. Kanvinde was the recipient of the John A Blume Fellowship at Stanford University.