Magy Seif El-Nasr

Dr. Magy Seif El-Nasr earned her Ph.D. from Northwestern University in Computer Science. Her research focuses on two goals (a) developing automated tools and techniques for authoring, adapting, and personalizing virtual environments (e.g., interactive narrative, believable characters, and visuals), and (b) developing methodologies to model and understand players’ behaviors and motivations through the development of novel mixed-methods approaches that use machine learning and visual analytics tools. A few year ago, she published the first book on the subject of game analytics, called Game Analytics: Maximizing the Value of Player Data. This year she is working on a new textbook on the subject to be published by Oxford University Press. Her work is internationally known and cited in several game industry books, including Programming Believable Characters for Computer Games (Game Development Series) and Real-time Cinematography for Games. She has received several awards and recognition within the game research community. Notably, she was named HEVGA Fellow in 2017 and received several Best Paper Awards, honorable mentions, and exceptional paper designations Further, she was named as a HEVGA (Higher Education Video Game Alliance) Fellow. She also serves as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Games and IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing.

Research Interests: user experience, open learner models, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Visualization, Human Computer Interaction, Data Science

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