Jan Hopmans

A unique aspect of my research is the broad scope, ranging over many scales of observation (microns to ~100 meters) and involves cutting edge investigation not only through field and laboratory studies but also through model development and applications. I am always interested in graduate students and research collaborations.


  • B.S. Land and Water Use – Wageningen Agricultural University
  • M.S. Hydrology/Hydraulics – Wageningen Agricultural University
  • Ph.D. Soil Physics – Auburn University

Physics of water flow, contaminant and heat transport in the vadose zone at various spatial scales. Soil hydraulic characterization; inverse modeling. Shallow groundwater and drainage water disposal; soil and water management; plant-soil water relationships; x-ray tomography of soil-root systems.

Graduate Group Membership:
Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Group


  • SSC 107: Soil Physics (4 Units, Fall Quarter)
  • SSC 207: Transport Processes in Soils (4 Units, Winter Quarter)
  • HYD 117: Irrigation Water Management (3 Units, Spring Quarter)
  • HYD 210: Hydrologic Modeling of the Vadose Zone (3 Units, Spring Quarter)