Costas Spanos

Costas Spanos is director emeritus of CITRIS and the Banatao Institute, which he led from 2014–23. He is also the Andrew S. Grove Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley, and the chief technical officer of the Berkeley Education Alliance for Research in Singapore (BEARS). He has served as the EECS department chair and the associate dean for research in the College of Engineering at Berkeley. His present research is focusing on energy and sustainability.

As the Andrew S. Grove Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Spanos conducts research on the application of statistical analysis in the design and fabrication of integrated circuits, and the development and deployment of novel sensors and computer-aided techniques in semiconductor manufacturing. He is also using statistical data mining techniques for energy efficiency applications, and is the leader of the Singapore-based SinBerBEST project, focusing on energy efficient buildings.

In 1988, Spanos joined the faculty at UC Berkeley, where he has served as Department Chair of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, the Associate Dean for Research, and the CEO of the Berkeley Educational Alliance for Research in Singapore. Spanos received his master’s and doctoral degrees in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 1981 and 1985, after which he worked for three years at the advanced computer-aided design group of the Digital Equipment Corp.