DAFSHE – Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education
The objective of the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education is to promote research of high international standard. The Agency’s activities are therefore geared towards establishing the best possible environment for research.

PCARI – Philippine-California Advanced Research Institutes
The Philippine-California Advanced Research Institutes (PCARI) project is a new approach to enhance the skills and expertise of faculty and staff of Philippine universities and colleges through scholarships, training, and research partnerships with top-tier research universities in California. The priority areas are information infrastructure development (IID) and health innovation and translational medicine (HITM).
Information infrastructure development refers to the technological and human components, networks, systems, and processes that contribute to the creation, flow or exchange, processing and management of electronic information. Health innovation and translational medicine refers to the bench-to-bedside translation of basic scientific research to practicable diagnostic procedures and therapies with meaningful improvements to physical, mental or social health outcomes.

Tecnológico de Monterrey is one of the largest private, nonsectarian and coeducational multicampus universities in Latin America, with over 90,000 students at the high school, undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Based in Monterrey, Mexico, the institute has 31 campuses in 25 cities throughout the country and is known for becoming the first university ever connected to the internet in Latin America and the Spanish-speaking world, having one of the top graduate business schools in the region, and being one of the leaders in patent applications among Mexican universities.

Yuhang Capital – CITRIS and the Banatao Institute are collaborating with Yuhang Capital to develop CITRIS-Zhejiang, an independent research, and innovation program for the development of transformative technology solutions for the 21st century. Focusing on cutting-edge research that leads to rapid translation into practice and commercialization, CITRIS-Zhejiang will collaborate with top Chinese academic institutions, industry and public sector institutions to develop innovative technology solutions in the areas of health and aging, sustainable infrastructures, and robotics. Primary partners include Yuhang Capital, Hangzhou High-Tech Capital and XiaoShan District.
Previous Collaborators

INRIA (INRIA@Silicon Valley) – Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique – National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control
As a public science and technology institution established in 1967, Inria is the only public research body fully dedicated to computational sciences. Combining computer sciences with mathematics, Inria’s 3,400 researchers strive to invent the digital technologies of the future.
Launched in 2011, the Inria@SiliconValley program is an active joint scientific program with California universities, mainly with UC Berkeley and Stanford University.
In cooperation with CITRIS, this program aims to:
- strengthen and structure existing collaborations between Inria research teams and California universities in order to improve their visibility and impact.
- create and support innovative projects with complementary competencies that address scientific challenges of the digital society.
Please visit the Inria@SiliconValley website to learn more about the program, including ongoing collaborative research projects and associated events.

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft – Fraunhofer Society for the Advancement of Applied Research
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the leading organization for institutes of applied research in Europe, undertaking contract research on behalf of industry, the service sector and the government. Commissioned by customers in industry, it provides rapid, economical and immediately applicable solutions to technical and organizational problems. Within the framework of the European Union’s technology programs, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is actively involved in industrial consortiums which seek technical solutions to improve the competitiveness of European industry.

IHI Corp. – IHI is a major Japanese manufacturer of heavy machinery and oceangoing ships headquartered in Tokyo.
The company was founded by the Mito branch of the Tokugawa family in 1853 as a shipbuilding yard in Edo (modern Tokyo); it was incorporated in 1889. The Harima Dock (later Harima Shipbuilding and Engineering) was established in 1907 in Kōbe. The merger of the two shipyards in 1960 resulted in the present company. Ishikawajima-Harima pioneered in the development of tankers to transport liquid natural gas, and the company remains in the forefront of ship design for the energy industry. One of its largest projects was the construction of a floating pulp factory designed to process pulpwood. The company and its subsidiaries also produce marine and aircraft engines, chemical products, iron and steel manufacturing equipment, and material-handling machinery.

Tekes – The Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation
Tekes is the most important publicly funded expert organization for financing research, development and innovation in Finland.