Construction is underway on CITRIS’s new headquarters, including the Nanolab
Center, part of a coordinated investment in the nanotech infrastructure of
tomorrow. Learn more about what is in store for the new facility.
CITRIS researcher Claire Tomlin at UC Berkeley is an aviation engineer who focuses on developing methods for
analyzing hybrid control systems and applying these results to practical
A new graduate certificate program in Knowledge Services and Enterprise
Management (KSEM) offered by UCSC focuses on building the skills required to design and manage
technology-based enterprises.
Construction is underway on CITRIS's new headquarters. Its Nanolab
Center is part of a coordinated investment in the nanotech
infrastructure of tomorrow.
These popular talks are held every Wednesday at
noon in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building on the UC Berkeley campus and are
all free, open to the general public, broadcast live online, and archived on the
CITRIS website.