Q: Why does California need this partnership?
A: California’s problems and our drive for economic growth and leadership depend on integrated, reliable, and secure information systems. Today, information technology poorly addresses tough problems for the public good energy, transportation, seismic safety, and others. If we do not focus on California’s high-tech strength to meet these needs, we may be left with a fragile, disaster-prone information infrastructure and be left behind as other states muster their resources to meet these needs more effectively.
Q: How is the partnership funded?
A: The CITRIS plan was spurred by Governor Davis’s call for visionary new UC Centers for Science and Innovation and creative partnerships with industry. Corporate and private donors have pledged more than $170 million for CITRIS, almost all of it contingent on $100 million in matching state funds proposed over the next three years in the Governor’s 2001-02 budget.
Q: Who is involved in the research?
A: More than 100 faculty members in engineering, science, social science, and other disciplines at four UC campuses are collaborating with researchers at more than 20 supporting companies.
Q: What companies have joined the partnership?
A: A blue-ribbon collection of founding corporate partners includes BroadVision, Ericsson, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Infineon, Intel, Marvell, Microsoft, Nortel Networks, STMicroelectronics, and Sun Microsystems.
Q: What role will industry partners play?
A: Industry scientists will collaborate closely on research, co-teach new courses, and sponsor internships for students. With this relationship, research findings and new creations will be put to work quickly in California industry and beyond. All of the fruits of the partnership will be widely disseminated, usually published on the Web, and free to all.
Q: What will the funding provide?
A: New facilities for UC laboratories and collaborative research will be funded, along with an infrastructure of people to support the research effort.
Q: Can we afford not to do this?
A: No. Other states are eager to take California’s place as the leader in technology. If we don’t back this powerful California partnership, the next Silicon Valley may well rise elsewhere. This is our time to advance boldly in information technology and reap its benefits.