2018 CITRIS Research Exchange talk with Erik Henricson

…live at Sutardja Dai Hall on the UC Berkeley campus. Live broadcast at https://www.youtube.com/user/citrisuc/live. Ask questions live on Twitter: #CITRISRE. All talks may be viewed on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/citrisuc/playlists…

Brain-computer interfaces, Apr 9

…BCC: Berkeley City College (BCC) (www.berkeleycitycollege.edu), one of California’s 112 community colleges, is part of the Peralta Community College District, which includes College of Alameda, Laney College and Merritt College….

August 2009 Newsletter

…at http://www.citris-uc.org/events/RE-fall2009. They will continue to take place on Wednesdays at noon but will now be located in the new CITRIS Headquarters. As always, these talks are free and webcast…

2023–24 CITRIS Aviation Prize

…five-year deployment/integration goal is subject to regulatory approval. Competition Structure There were two phases in the competition. Phase 1: Design Proposal (completed Nov. 17) Interested teams from each campus, including…

Transforming Waves to Energy: Ocean Power

…to replicate what they have done and continue to enhance and improve the design. More about this project can be found at: http://www.oceanpowerproject.org/ and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWRTuAbGsiE Posted in News, UC Davis…

Telemedicine: Bringing Healthcare to the Patient

…training, putting such valuable doctors to the best possible use. For more information: The Center for Health and Technology: http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/cht/ Spotlight on Telemedicine: http://www.ucdavis.edu/spotlight/0407/telemedicine.html Computerworld Honors UC Davis Telemedicine: http://www.cwhonors.org/viewCaseStudy.asp?NominationID=296…

Open Code and Culture at Merced’s New Collaboratory

By engaging undergraduate computer science students in community-based projects, UC Merced is becoming a major open source advocate with its innovative collaborative laboratory. by Gordy Slack ………………………………………….. The School of…

Big Data Mining and Neural Networks

…languages, English and Mandarin. At Baidu, we think that this is just the beginning, and high performance computing is poised to help. It turns out that deep learning is compute…

Biomedical Instrumentation:

Free and open to the public. Register online by Monday for a free lunch at UC Berkeley. The CITRIS Research Exchange Seminar Series is a weekly dialogue highlighting leading voices…

Open mHealth and Data Integration

…of Excellence. ——— Free and open to the public. Register online by Monday for a free lunch at UC Berkeley. The CITRIS Research Exchange Seminar Series is a weekly dialogue…

Computational Imaging for 3D Gigapixel Microscopy

…across the entire pipeline from acquisition to reconstruction. This talk will describe new methods for computational microscopy with coded illumination, based on a simple and inexpensive hardware modification of a…

Neural Dust, A Platform for Neural Interfaces

…goal is understanding developmental mechanisms as a way to engineer and fabricate machines. ——— Free and open to the public. Register online by Monday for a free lunch at UC…

Improving Solar Energy Delivery to Homes

…research issues. Each one-hour seminar starts at 12pm Pacific time and is hosted live at Sutardja Dai Hall on the UC Berkeley campus. Live broadcast at https://www.youtube.com/user/citrisuc/live. All talks may…

How to Train Your Robot

…under-represented groups to explore engineering, robotics, and coding for themselves. Watch the video https://vimeo.com/474022464 “How to Train Your Robot” is written by Blooma Goldberg, Ken Goldberg, and science communicator Ashley…

December 2010 Newsletter

…UC Davis, the West Village will soon be home to 3,000 students and add 475 new houses for UCD faculty and staff. The new neighborhood will also host a community…

Three New Videos Highlight CITRIS Research

…idea behind Mobile Millennium is simple. Cell phone users download free software that automatically and anonymously contributes their position and velocity data to a central location. In exchange for this…