i4Energy Seminar: Energy Research and Commercialization at SRI

Energy Research and Commercialization at SRI

Seminar: i4Energy seminar | October 29 | 12-1 p.m. | Sutardja Dai Hall, Banatao Aud., 3rd Floor

Barbara Heydorn, Director, Center of Excellence in Energy, SRI

I4Energy Center

Part of the Fall 2010 i4Energy Seminar Series. Live broadcast at mms://media.citris.berkeley.edu/webcast; Questions can be sent via Yahoo IM to username: citrisevents. The schedule for the fall i4energy series is at http://www.citris-uc.org/events/i4energy-fall2010.

SRI International has been described as the birthplace of some of Silicon Valley’s most important innovations. With a corporate commitment to solving important problems, this talk will cover why SRI believes ensuring affordable, clean, and dependable energy supplies is one of the world’s important problems, highlight current energy projects, and describe SRI’s process for bringing its innovations to market.

Barbara Heydorn is the Director of SRI’s Center of Excellence in Energy.

citriseditor@citris-uc.org, 510-643-4866

Available Now: Webcast