i4Energy Seminar: Energy Management in the Coming Internet of Things

Energy Management in the Coming Internet of Things

Seminar: i4Energy seminar | December 10 | 12-1 p.m. | 250 Sutardja Dai Hall | Note change in location

Gene Wang, CEO, People Power

I4Energy Center

Part of the Fall 2010 i4Energy Seminar Series. Live broadcast at mms://media.citris.berkeley.edu/webcast; Questions can be sent via Yahoo IM to username: citrisevents. The schedule for the fall i4energy series is at http://www.citris-uc.org/events/i4energy-fall2010.

In this talk, Gene Wang and David Moss will discuss the Energy Internet ofThings and describe how Brains in the Cloud can connect with billions of sensor-based nerves and muscles in the physical world to go places the Internet never dreamed of. Smart objects and their connected networks can regulate electrical grids, watch for ocean pollution or forest fires, track every vehicle, and optimize energy use in buildings, homes, factories, signs, bridges, warehouses and in every appliance, consumer electronics device and office equipment. A live demonstration of real-time energy monitoring and control will be given. We will discuss how Open Source plays a role in driving innovation and interoperability while new standards such as SEP2 and 802.15.4g along with Internet foundations such as IPv6 and PPP, combined with cloud services such as ESP will drive the coming Internet of Things.

citriseditor@citris-uc.org, 510-643-4866

Coming Soon. Event will be webcast live and then put on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/citris