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CITRIS Day 2021: Celebrating 20 Years of Impact and Innovation 

Logo of CITRIS and the Banatao Institute.

Please join us for CITRIS Day on November 16, 2021, 1-2 p.m. PST!







On Nov. 16, CITRIS will celebrate its 20th anniversary with a virtual public showcase of emerging research, leading-edge applications and collaboration opportunities in the interest of society. We are honored to feature academic leaders, industry executives and public officials, along with students and representatives from research labs and startup companies who have benefited from CITRIS’s support over the years. 

The event will also unveil strategic plans for the next three to five years, and highlight areas where CITRIS will contribute to the needs of California and the world in climate resilience, technology policy, food systems, health care delivery and inclusive workforce development in the face of automation. 

Speakers will include former California Gov. Gray Davis, founding benefactors Dado and Maria Banatao, Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, Marvell Technology Inc. founder Weili Dai, and UC President Michael V. Drake, as well as campus chancellors and vice chancellors for research. Find more event details on our website.  We look forward to seeing you at the celebration!