By Jenny Ta and Joshua Viers | Reposted from It seems inevitable that increasing numbers of California farmers will see their claims to surface […]
Sustainable Infrastructures
Enduring Summer’s Deep Freeze
Summer’s Deep Freeze: New York Times reporter Kate Murphy discusses over-air-conditioned offices and apps like Comfy which let users control the temperature of their offices. […]
Research Scientists to Use Network Much Faster Than Internet
A series of ultra-high-speed fiber-optic cables will weave a cluster of West Coast university laboratories and supercomputer centers into a network called the Pacific Research […]
UC Merced Connect: Fulbright scholar to study Himalayan hydropower
Reposted from UC Merced University Communications | June 9, 2015UC Merced researcher David Rheinheimer has seen the Himalayas from many angles – from his home […]
Former Michigan Gov. Granholm Announces American Jobs Project
Former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm Announces American Jobs Project, a National Initiative to Spur Job Creation in the Advanced Energy Sector Berkeley, CA. (March 19, […]
Resilience Seminar Series Brings Together ITS, TRUST and CITRIS Strengths
Highlighting the cross-disciplinary aspects of resilience, The Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS), the Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS), and […]
CITRIS Alumnus Receives Milton Pikarsky Memorial Award for Ph.D. on Transportation Cybersecurity
Reilly Awarded Milton Pikarsky Memorial Award for Ph.D. on Transportation Cybersecurity Congratulations to Jack Reilly, one of the original doctoral candidates to conduct research from […]
Human Impacts Bay Area: Innovations for the Climate Breakthrough
Join us for an evening of engaging discussion from a diversity of Bay Area’s community leaders, thinkers, and artists. This event will be free and […]
Distributed Infrastructure of Small Urban Places
A digital tool helps coordinate unused parcels of urban public land to alleviate the need for expensive infrastructure projects, revive depressed and blighted neighborhoods, and […]
Bringing Building Automation to Small and Mid-Size Commercial Properties
The information technology revolution has come slowly to commercial buildings. Until now, piecemeal innovations in automating isolated functions like temperature, security, lighting, and air quality […]
Launching New Research Platforms for Smarter Buildings and Healthier People
Friends of CITRIS, The collected research of CITRIS faculty shows an amazing range of scale: from micro-electronics and nanotechnology to systems at the level of […]
Snow Net: Joint Berkeley-Merced Snowpack Tracking Project’s Test by Fire
A joint project between UC Berkeley and UC Merced attempts to radically improve the quality and availability of data about the amount of water stored in mountainous parts of the vast American River Basin.
David Culler to receive the Okawa Prize, 2013
Culler selected for “pioneering contributions to the design and development for wireless sensor networks.”
Water Research Facility gets $5M Grant Renewal
The NSF will continue to fund a UC Merced research facility that studies how mountain water flows as the climate changes.
Steve Glaser’s American River Basin Water Supply Project Featured in SF Chronicle
UC Berkeley Professor Steven Glaser was featured in a SF Chronicle article yesterday. His CITRIS Intelligent Infrastructures Initiative project hopes to create the world’s largest […]
CITRIS helps support new Sustainability Champions Internships
Students will work with four organizations to develop their skills in the business of sustainability.
Professor Steven Glaser interviewed by ScienceLives on Designing Nanoseismic Sensors
Steve Glaser interviewed about his career in designing, making, and using sensors.
CITRIS Co-sponsoring Upcoming Workshop on Smart Cities
The aim of this conference is to tackle the question of “How Smart City approaches can be used to increase city attractiveness and city resilience?
NMO Lab Works with Cisco Engineers to Further Student Experience
Update from the NMO lab at UCSC.
Fall 2012 i4Energy Seminar Series
The Fall 2012 i4Energy Seminar Series
Interview with Roger Bales on the Sierra Nevada and California’s water supply
An interview with Professor of Engineering Roger Bales on measuring snowpack in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.