Stories of Solidarity: Building connections among precarious workers

Stories of Solidarity is a digital labor organizing tool built to connect the experiences of low-income, precarious workers and build connections and solidarity among them. Winning enthusiastic response from gatherings of labor organizers and researchers at UC Davis and UCLA as well as at the 2014 national AFL-CIO convention, Stories of Solidarity has continued to develop technically and enhance its connections and collaborations with labor organizers and academics.


“We are excited that the work we are doing is moving alongside a growing movement in the US for economic justice for fast-food workers, big-box retail store workers and others caught in a low-wage, precarious work situation.” – Jesse Drew, Professor, Project Lead, Stories of Solidarity

The researchers are currently fine-tuning Stories of Solidarity, cementing collaborations and connections with labor and community organizers, and rolling out the platform to a broad spectrum of the precarious workforce. To prepare for this next phase, project leaders will be working on three campuses: UC Davis, UC Merced and UC Berkeley.

Additionally, four student assistants will help with technical development of the app, develop further ties with Central Valley labor and community organizations, extend the reach of Stories of Solidarity to established labor groups throughout California, and translate the interface language into Spanish.

Stories of Solidarity will be presented at the International Association of Media and Communications Research convention in mid-July.

Stories of Solidarity can be accessed at

Stories of Solidarity is a CITRIS Connected Communities Initiative seed-funded project. If you are interested in applying for CITRIS seed funding, please visit

Header Image Photo Credit: Vivian Ho


  1. Stories of Solidarity:
  2. Video summarizing Stories of Solidarity: